Sofie e Ed largaram os empregos e perseguiram o amor pelo surf na Índia
Um vídeo verdadeiramente inspirador. Fartos do quotidiano das cidades, e com os olhos postos num papel preso ao frigorífico, onde se lia o poema de David Hieatt “Find Your Love”, Sofie e Ed resolveram largar tudo, e sem um plano definido rumaram à Índia, para construir a sua felicidade e o seu pequeno paraíso.
O casal criou o retiro Soul and Surf, onde o surf e o ioga são os alicerces. Enquanto colaboram para incorporar a cultura do surf na Índia, vivem a sua paixão.
Find Your Love
"You know that dream you carry around with you each day?
It's kinda important.
Wasn’t it what you were put on planet Earth to do?
They say everyone has a calling, can you still hear it?
Doesn’t it eat away at you?
That treadmill you are on, did it ever get too much?
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to do your thing?
Did you ever feel time was passing you by?
Just how many days have you left before your last?
Did you ever wonder about stuff like that?
Did you ask yourself, “What was stopping you?”
There is never a right time.
You will be too old. Too young. Too something or other.
When was the last time you took a risk?
Did you remember how alive it made you feel?
There are no gurarantees of success.
Its not called a leap of faith for nothing.
Its not too late, honest.
You might fall.
… You might fly."